Sunday 7 June 2009

South Kensington: Where police drive BMWs and Mary Poppins exists

It's been 3 solid weeks now! Looking back, the time feels like it's flying, but days go by so slowly that I catch my breath when I realize that it has ONLY been 3 weeks. Very contradictory, I know.

Have you ever experienced the joys of everyday life that come when you have absolutely NO agenda? This is the first time in my life when this has been the case. Even though I work 3 days a week and have class the other 2, it's a 180 from life at Mizzou. 

I have seen so much already-the basics including all the museums-but have had the full opportunity to 'people watch' and get a true feeling for the British culture. It's really not night and day from Americans-babies still scream and people brave morning rush hour every day. Under this surface, though, the view of life is different. Each day is taken one at a time, co-workers get drinks after work EVERY day, work days don't start until 10am and end abruptly at 5pm, no matter how much work was accomplished. Holidays are on a whim-not planned months in advance. The English actually LIVE-I hope I can learn a few lessons and take them back to the states so my last 2 years at 'Uni' are as enjoyable as possible. 

This weekend is being spent relaxing-more people watching in Kensington Gardens :) as 4 of my roommates are in Liverpool searching for the Beatles.  

Keep in touch--

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