Sunday, 14 June 2009

And in foggy London Town, the sun was shinin' everywhere

Try going to one of London's lush, perfectly groomed, people friendly parks without a smile on your face. It just doesn't work. Everyone is happy, families stroll the lanes together, kids kick soccer balls around, grey haired  gardeners shuffle around 'ooh-ing' over every exotic arrangement of flowers. 
I actually don't mind laying on the grass with no blanket-something I find hard to do at home because of chiggers, but here, as life is perfect, I can fall asleep without intending to and wake up without wanting to scratch my skin off (yes my naiivity is still 100%, London can do no wrong). 

My dad is sincerely worried that I'll never return home--he need not worry, even though London is the James Franco of desirable cities in which to live, my family is more important to me than permanently moving 6 times zones away...but it IS tempting to do a little job search here and there.  

My roommates and I went OUT for the first time to a 'non-Americanized' club. The Last Days of Decadence was as decorated as its name. Set up like a 30s Juke Joint, club goers dressed as flappers in full head dresses and there was a live band. Cocktails emptied my pockets at 8 pounds a whack... unfortunately they were worth every penny and so was the crap show (keeping it PG-13 here) that went along with it. YOU try finding your way home at 3am via insane London night bus routes in the drizzling rain when judgment is slightly impaired...notice I said we went HOME, no hanky-panky.  Nonetheless, FUN times :) 

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