Wednesday 17 June 2009

Dollars make no cents here...

I'm having major money dilemmas, I am so anal about making sure my life goes according to plan. Being short of food is usually at the top of my 'things to worry about today' list and budgeting is a close second. 

I know I shouldn't worry about these kinds of things, I've saved up for years to cover the costs of this trip, but with so many things to do, it's easy to get caught in the spending every dime to my name trap. I have spent the last several hours, okay, all day actually, outlining EVERY thing I want to experience while here in London. Granted, I've seen most of the big museums and regular tourist attractions--even caught a glimpse of the queen--but my to do list includes experiences that only locals really get to do. Wimbledon, Ascot, Shakespeare Play, Brighton, BBC Proms, British Library, original Peter Pan production in Hyde Park, music festivals in the parks, sitting in on Parliament etc. My calendar is nearly full, and although I am here for a full 3 months, I'm already having to squeeze my dates and checkbook. I would like to arrive home with enough money to survive, please. 

my new (less familiar) red, white and blue

What gets to me most is that I'm arguing with myself about something that won't make 1 inkling of a difference in 20 years when I'm remembering my SUMMER IN LONDON. I know I'm responsible because with enough research, I've found that I can do everything on my list, including traveling to 6 top European destinations on a dime. I just have a hard time remembering how on top of the game I am sometimes. 

Don't spend more than what you have...

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